Liberty Leading the People đź—˝ by Eugène Delacroix (1830)

On display in one of the Louvre’s great halls, this painting caught my attention because of its passion. The emotion in the people, the woman and the situation call for you to stop and stare. Not to mention, the painting is also quite large. Like the Statue of Liberty (which it inspired), the painting beckons your attention, guides your eye and inspires a seasons of hope & freedom.

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1506)

I finally made it to the Mona Lisa; she has her own room at the Louvre Museum. As you enter, all signs will lead you to the Mona Lisa & the experience is more shocking than the painting itself. The painting is actually in a huge hallway/corridor which connects two rooms in the palace. There is a makeshift wall surrounded by velvet rope hoisting the Mona Lisa into view.